Wednesday, May 18, 2011

FRNs for sale

FRNs for sale, price is 1 oz of silver for FRNs based on spot market.  Get your FRNs here!

Friday, May 6, 2011

OK, I think this is it (and by stating that I guarantee more downside movement)

Afternoon action in the metals suggest that we may be at the bottom of this downdraft now.  Focus has shifted to other sectors and volumes are stabilizing.  SO, to put my money where my mouth is, I just went in on some paper PM vehicles, PSLV, PHYS and miners ETFs GDX and GDXJ.  Continuing to hold Tinka and North Country Gold as speculative plays.  Not selling one ounce of physical and in fact buying.

The last plays of the great US/World economic Ponzi experiment will happen very fast.  The short term market is highly volatile, wanted to be long going into the weekend on all possible flights to safety.  Also looking for an entry point to start shorting small cap equities.  The sell in May crowd could get pushed at any moment.  Find your exit buddy!

The CME Bastards Just Gave Us the Chance of a Lifetime!

If the 35 price range holds for a double bottom leading into next week, BUY BUY BUY!  The manipulation has given us a chance of a lifetime!  The strong shorts will take their profits, or lesser losses and leave the retail shorts to be squeezed out on the way back up.  Perhaps we may be rangebound in consolidation for a while, but the fundamentals are still strong.  There have been rumors of silver supply bumps due to scrap recovery and increased production at the 47+ level, but no solid evidence to support the claims.

Watching for signs of additional seeling pressure, but if we can hold support at the price, we should move higher into the summer.

BTFD, but not yet!

It's almost time to buy the dip.  Been watching silver put in a bottom for the past 24 hours.  The fundamentals will take hold eventually and push this market higher.  I think this pull back is very healthy and I'm glad it happened.  Take the opportunity, buy the next bottom, probably some point early next week, and enjoy the return to the trend which is higher.  It is my hope that the speculators have been shaken out and we may have a healthier market ahead.

REMEMBER, the price for physical is NOT spot!  Right now I see high premiums everywhere.  Physical is still selling for up to 60/ounce.  This is just the paper silver complex collapsing. 

Got my physical out last night and played pirate for a few minutes.  Made me sleep better.