Saturday, June 18, 2011

Turd's Rocketship!

Ok folks, not that I was ever trying, but there is NO way to compete with the juggernaut that is the new!  The site is receiving an amazing amount of traffic and there is a continous stream of great information.  Due to time constraints, and in a attempt to give/receive as much info as possible, I'll be spending time posting in the tfmetalsreport forums for the most part.

Go Turd Go!  Amazing site launch!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

FRNs for sale

FRNs for sale, price is 1 oz of silver for FRNs based on spot market.  Get your FRNs here!

Friday, May 6, 2011

OK, I think this is it (and by stating that I guarantee more downside movement)

Afternoon action in the metals suggest that we may be at the bottom of this downdraft now.  Focus has shifted to other sectors and volumes are stabilizing.  SO, to put my money where my mouth is, I just went in on some paper PM vehicles, PSLV, PHYS and miners ETFs GDX and GDXJ.  Continuing to hold Tinka and North Country Gold as speculative plays.  Not selling one ounce of physical and in fact buying.

The last plays of the great US/World economic Ponzi experiment will happen very fast.  The short term market is highly volatile, wanted to be long going into the weekend on all possible flights to safety.  Also looking for an entry point to start shorting small cap equities.  The sell in May crowd could get pushed at any moment.  Find your exit buddy!

The CME Bastards Just Gave Us the Chance of a Lifetime!

If the 35 price range holds for a double bottom leading into next week, BUY BUY BUY!  The manipulation has given us a chance of a lifetime!  The strong shorts will take their profits, or lesser losses and leave the retail shorts to be squeezed out on the way back up.  Perhaps we may be rangebound in consolidation for a while, but the fundamentals are still strong.  There have been rumors of silver supply bumps due to scrap recovery and increased production at the 47+ level, but no solid evidence to support the claims.

Watching for signs of additional seeling pressure, but if we can hold support at the price, we should move higher into the summer.

BTFD, but not yet!

It's almost time to buy the dip.  Been watching silver put in a bottom for the past 24 hours.  The fundamentals will take hold eventually and push this market higher.  I think this pull back is very healthy and I'm glad it happened.  Take the opportunity, buy the next bottom, probably some point early next week, and enjoy the return to the trend which is higher.  It is my hope that the speculators have been shaken out and we may have a healthier market ahead.

REMEMBER, the price for physical is NOT spot!  Right now I see high premiums everywhere.  Physical is still selling for up to 60/ounce.  This is just the paper silver complex collapsing. 

Got my physical out last night and played pirate for a few minutes.  Made me sleep better.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's Official! Time to Bug Out!

Just had a very interesting phone call from a past business partner.  Now before I go into the content of this call, a little background.  This fellow, let's call him Al, is a very successful engineer with more than 55 years in the business.  He is involved in one of the last large areas where US manufacturing reins supreme, or at least did until now.  He is moving all assets off shore, including starting companies in China and Canada and shipping all future international work out of the US economy.  He was maintaining a US presence to participate in US infrastructure projects, but those have all evaporated.

On to the call.  Al is scared.  "This is it" he said.  Time to exit the US economy.   By the end of the summer, he expects to hold only minimal interest in the US converting as much fiat as possible to hard assets or investing the money in his cross border ventures.  Al is not a member of the financial elite, he is Atlas and he has shrugged.  Until now, the collapse of the US was just an academic thesis worthy of a strong hedge.   It is real and it is happening now.  Slow motion train wreck.  Buy physical on the dips, invest in strong companies real assets and help as many others as you can to understand the reality of our economic future.

We're BACKwardized! To the Moon!

There it goes

Well as soon as I said it, the market proved me wrong.  Silver has now broken higher, pushing towards resistance just under 49.50.  Let's see if the momentum can push through to new highs.  If so, we're in uncharted territory and anything is possible.


Thursday Morning Dolldrums

Very little price action in the PM Markets overnight and I don't expect much movement through today.  We appear to be in a period of consolidation.  In the silver market, watching for a break first above 48.60 then 49.47 to confirm a new upside move.  Appear to be building support around 48.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The G's

Got em?


Silver is almost back to the previous high.  See what Asia can do overnight.

Did You Buy The Dip?

I did.  Just took delivery of physical purchased at 44.71 spot.  Go silver go!

Look for more volatility moving forward, wouldn't be surprised to see a return to the 45 mark near term but medium to long term still to the moon!

Physical: Risk on/ Risk off! Did you blink and miss the correction?

Just had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who completed a grand tour of the local coin/bullion shops today.  He ran across two with no meaningful silver and one that wouldn't sell even at ridiculous premiums.  This is a stark contrast to Monday when the same store wouldn't buy at spot!  Fear and greed at work.  I guess that means greed on!  Correction over.  That is all.  I hope you BTFD!  I did  :)  There will most likely be another bottom this week, but we're bouncing along at support.  BUY and enjoy next week!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Physical Factor

So everyone is piling into physical.  Coin shop inventory is bare (understatement), buillion is selling on ebay like it's $50 spot+ and APMEX is begging for eagles (not getting any if the rumors are true...  Duh!).  So, in a volatile market that is becoming less liquid by the second, have we reached a point where we have a truley split market.  I think yes.  A quick survey of online silver dealers and auction sites, inculding ebay (sorry), produced the following price data:

Average ASE (late mintage): $51
Silver round:                             $49
10 Oz Bar                                 $480
100 Oz Bar                               $4650

Those are some hefty premiums, and they're flying off the shelf!

Auction premiums are not following the daily dumps, so with the transaction time in the physical market being hours to days, the short term price action appears to be discounted. 

We have a clear bull market trend in physical with technical trading in the paper market.  The actions are clearly split.

Keep on stacking, no trend change in sight for now.  A break below 42.50 for the week might change my tune a bit.

Day One! The Correction?!

And the blog begins!

The silver market has been extremely volatile for the past 36 hours as expected.  The short term charts look like strong support is building around 44.84 with the next line of resistance around 44.20.  I burned some powder and BTD at 44.66 last night but am keeping some dry to average in if 44.66 fails.  Below 44.20, there is a gap to support at 42.50 at which point I'd go all in with an upside target around 50.

Also took the opportunity to aquire more physical at last nights dip bottom of 44.70.  Premiums from all dealers are climbing.  High retail such as APMEX has almost doubled their premiums on small size rounds.  Be careful out there and shop around.  Please post online vendors with low premiums here if you find them.

Waiting for the FED and subsequent stock market action to provide tells on several junior mining companies.  Looking for a good entry into some quality developed companies as well.