Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's Official! Time to Bug Out!

Just had a very interesting phone call from a past business partner.  Now before I go into the content of this call, a little background.  This fellow, let's call him Al, is a very successful engineer with more than 55 years in the business.  He is involved in one of the last large areas where US manufacturing reins supreme, or at least did until now.  He is moving all assets off shore, including starting companies in China and Canada and shipping all future international work out of the US economy.  He was maintaining a US presence to participate in US infrastructure projects, but those have all evaporated.

On to the call.  Al is scared.  "This is it" he said.  Time to exit the US economy.   By the end of the summer, he expects to hold only minimal interest in the US converting as much fiat as possible to hard assets or investing the money in his cross border ventures.  Al is not a member of the financial elite, he is Atlas and he has shrugged.  Until now, the collapse of the US was just an academic thesis worthy of a strong hedge.   It is real and it is happening now.  Slow motion train wreck.  Buy physical on the dips, invest in strong companies real assets and help as many others as you can to understand the reality of our economic future.

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